Other Book Clubs
links are taken from the Open Directory Project, to add your
site here, click on the "submit a site" link
at the bottom of the page.
- Reading Group Choices - Selections for lively
book discussions. Features annual print publication,
hints for leaders, hints for starting groups, and more.
- About Women's History and Lives: Reading
- "Book lists for groups studying women's history,
women's lives, and related topics." Part of the
About.com website.
- Adbooks Discussion
- ". . . an e-mail based group created to discuss
young adult literature and related topics."
- Best In Books -
Online site for an off-line reading group for books of
Jewish interest.
- The Bluestockings
- An online book discussion group that discusses books
through a listserv. The group discusses two books per
month. Site includes recommendations and ratings.
- Book Club of The Potomac
- The home
page of the Book Club of the Potomac, including meeting
schedules and locations. Useful Links
- The Book Group List
- Online discussion group with ratings and extensive
- Bookedin Book Discussion
Group - An online reading group dedicated to
discussing and reading books and discovering new books
to enjoy
- Bookreporter.com
Where readers and writers click.
- Brookworms Reading Group
- Reviews contemporary fiction and novels. Site offers
commentaries on the books the group has chosen to read.
- Classics Reading Group
- Virtual reading group which meets online to discuss
one classic reading title per month.
- Dogwood Book Club - Monthly
moderated book discussion page.
- Elm Street Book Club
- This site is the location for information regarding
the books that Elm Street Book Club has read and the
schedule for upcoming meetings.
- The Funky Women's Book Club -
This site is a resource for the members and potential
members of the Funky Women's Book Club. You can find
information about meeting dates and upcoming books, as
well as a list of the books we have read so far.
- iVillage: The Book Club -
". . . women's online community book club featuring
books on every topic of the multiple roles women
- Lavendar Salon Reader Online! -
Online verson of a newsletter for Lesbian Reading Groups
across the country, includes lists of book clubs.
- The
Literary Bee - An on-line book club for anyone
interested in literature (fiction or nonfiction), with
links to author bios, e-texts, and reading guides.
- Mostly, We Eat - Book Club that
meets over great meals. Book reviews, reading lists,
great book related links, excerpts of extensive press
- Mother-Daughter Book Group -
Chronicles the readings and reactions of a group of
girls and moms. EVERYONE is invited to submit a book
review or make a recommendation.
- The Movie Stars Book Club
Portland, Oregon based group including a unique rating
system and member profiles.
- Read and Chat: An Online
Book Club - The magic of the good book and the
wonders of the internet come together. Members share
views and insights on the book of the month on
discussion board and voice chat.
- The Reader's Vine - On-line
community for book readers and writers, including book
clubs and reviews, reading groups and discussions, and
literature message boards and chats.
- ReadersOpinions - An online
bookclub where members enter titles, ratings, and
reviews of books they have read into the site database,
allowing others to produce screen lists of the database
content and to interact with each other on a Discussion
- The Reading Group Page
- Reading group site, replete with books read since
1992, photos, links, and facility for suggesting books
to read.
- Reading Groups
BookBrowser provides this annotated list of Reading
Groups on the Internet.
- ReadingGroupGuides.com!
- Guides contain discussion questions and background
material on the author and subject -and suggestions for
further reading. Guides are available for many of the
most popular books.
- Redlands Fortnightly
Club - Founded in 1895, the Redlands Fortnightly
Club is the oldest continuously-meeting literary group
in California. Listing of all papers and all members.
Full text of more than 70 papers on varied subjects.
- redwining club
- We read books and
discuss them. Discuss them with us on our mailing list,
or add you club to our site.
- The Roebuck Reading Club
- Information on a British based reading group,
including titles and brief book reviews.
- Salsa Book Group
- Discussion group for Ethnic-American literature.
- The Sistah Circle Book Club (of Texas)
African American women's book club.
- The Teach's Home Page
Discussion of literature by and about women.
- The Un-Named Book Club's
Page - Contains the club's reading list, brief
group reviews, links to other reviews, and links to
other clubs.
- Women's History and
Lives Reading Groups - "Book lists for
groups studying women's history, women's lives, and
related topics." Part of the Mining Company's
- Zenana Book Club - A reference
site for members and anyone interested in literature. A
book list of all books read since 1996 is provided along
with author bios.