Andre Dubus III
finding his calling as a writer, Andre Dubus III worked for brief stints
as a bounty hunter, private investigator, carpenter, bartender, actor,
and teacher. His first book, The Cage Keeper and Other Stories,
was published in 1989, followed in 1993 by his first novel, Bluesman.
For the next few years, he taught and did odd jobs as a carpenter while
working on House of Sand and Fog. Much of the book was written in
his car, which he often parked at a local cemetery in search of quiet
and solitude. His characters were inspired by two people whose
predicaments had stuck in his mind for years: a woman he read about in
the newspaper who was wrongly evicted from her house and forced to live
in her car, and a college friend's father, who had been a colonel in the
Iranian air force and could only find menial jobs after fleeing to the
United States.
Dubus's work has been awarded a Pushcart Prize and the 1985 National Magazine Award for Fiction. It has also been cited in The One Hundred Most Distinguished Stories of 1993 and The Best American Short Stories of 1994. He was one of three finalists for the 1994 Prix de Rome given by the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and House of Sand and Fog was a finalist for the 1999 National Book Award for Fiction. Andre Dubus III is the son of Andre Dubus, a widely recognized master of short fiction who died in 1999. He teaches in Emerson College's MFA in writing program, and at Tufts University. He lives in Newburyport, Massachusetts, with his wife, dancer/choreographer Fontaine Dollas, and their three children.
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