Marly Swick
Marly Swick was born in Indianapolis but has lived in Massachusetts, Delaware, California, and elsewhere.
She holds a BA from Stanford University, an MA from Mills College, her PhD from the American University, and an MFA from the Iowa Writer's Workshop. She has received a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship, a James Michener Award, and an O Henry Award.
Her first book, a collection of stories called A Hole in the Language (reprinted as Monogamy by HarperCollins), received the Iowa Short Fiction Award. Her stories appear in many places, including The Atlantic, Redbook, and The North American Review. She is also the author of the novel Paper Wings (HarperCollins) and the collection he Summer Before the Summer of Love (HarperCollins). Her most recent novel (Little, Brown) is The Evening News.
From 1990-1999 she taught fiction writing at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where she also served as a reader for Prairie Schooner. In the Fall 1999 she began teaching creative writing at the University of Missouri-Columbia.
Current Book List
2000 Book List